The Allure of Diamonds

Diamonds have been revered for their beauty, symbolism, and significance for thousands of years. This module explains why diamonds are a miracle of nature, the emotional and cultural significance of diamonds, and the diamond industry’s positive community contributions across the globe.


10 minutes

Natural diamonds are symbolic. They are passed down through generations and are likely the oldest thing you will ever hold in your hand. The diamond industry provides these wonders to consumers all while providing a positive impact to the communities in which they work.

The Billion-Year-Old Story of Natural Diamonds

10 minutes

For millennia, natural diamonds have been a thing of beauty, symbolism, and significance.

A Miracle of Nature

10 minutes

Many people believe coal plays a role in the formation of diamonds. In fact, most diamonds are much older than the Earth’s first plants, which are source materials of coal.

Natural Diamonds are Rare and Unique

10 minutes

Many say diamonds are the eighth wonder of the world because of their rarity and unique physical properties. Diamonds are in fact one of the rarest natural substances on Earth and fewer and fewer are recovered every year.

Modern Diamond Industry: Ethical and Conflict-free

10 minutes

Today, conflict diamonds are virtually eliminated from the market.

Natural Diamond Industry Benefits Over 10 Million People Worldwide

10 minutes

The natural diamond sector supports the livelihood of 10 million people globally. There are countless stories of the positive impact of diamond recovery in the areas where they are found.