These 20-30 minute enganging and self-paced modules will empower learners to gain a comprehsive understanding of diamond values, featuring a best-in-class curriculum delivering diamond knowledge that extends beyond the 4Cs. Learners receive certificates of completion for each course and gain the tools to confidently deliver diamond facts.

The Allure of Diamonds

Diamonds have been revered for their beauty, symbolism, and significance for thousands of years. This module explains why diamonds are a miracle of nature, the emotional and cultural significance of diamonds, and the diamond industry’s positive community contributions across the globe.


10 minutes
Natural diamonds are symbolic. They are passed down through generations and are likely the oldest thing you will ever hold in your hand. The diamond industry provides these wonders to consumers all while providing a positive impact to the communities in which they work.

The Billion-Year-Old Story of Natural Diamonds

10 minutes
For millennia, natural diamonds have been a thing of beauty, symbolism, and significance.

A Miracle of Nature

10 minutes
Many people believe coal plays a role in the formation of diamonds. In fact, most diamonds are much older than the Earth’s first plants, which are source materials of coal.

Natural Diamonds are Rare and Unique

10 minutes
Many say diamonds are the eighth wonder of the world because of their rarity and unique physical properties. Diamonds are in fact one of the rarest natural substances on Earth and fewer and fewer are recovered every year.

Modern Diamond Industry: Ethical and Conflict-free

10 minutes
Today, conflict diamonds are virtually eliminated from the market.

Natural Diamond Industry Benefits Over 10 Million People Worldwide

10 minutes
The natural diamond sector supports the livelihood of 10 million people globally. There are countless stories of the positive impact of diamond recovery in the areas where they are found.

Differences Between Natural and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds

As billion-year-old miracles of nature, natural diamonds have long symbolized love, strength, and authenticity. For decades, scientists have tried to replicate the unique properties of natural diamonds. Laboratory-grown diamonds, also called synthetic, man-made, or laboratory-created diamonds, have entered the marketplace over the last few years. This module details the origin, formation, and value differences between laboratory-grown diamonds and natural diamonds.

What are Natural Diamonds, Laboratory-Grown Diamonds, and Diamond Simulants?

10 minutes
A natural diamond’s hardness, heat conductivity, and optical properties make them valuable for many industries. However, their rarity makes them too valuable to use for many of these applications. This fact has caused people to try and artificially replicate the unique properties of natural diamonds for decades.

What are the Differences Between Natural and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds?

10 minutes
When comparing natural diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds, key differences emerge in their origin, formation time, and value, reflecting the unique processes of nature versus human innovation.

Identifying Laboratory-Grown Diamonds from Natural Diamonds

10 minutes
When comparing natural diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds, key differences emerge in their origin, formation time, and value, reflecting the unique processes of nature versus human innovation.

How are Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Made?

10 minutes
There are two main processes used to create laboratory-grown diamonds. The production method used does not affect the look or cost of the finished product.

What to Know About Environmental Claims

10 minutes
Laboratory-grown diamond manufacturers often make eco-claims about their products and at times, they are in violation of the U.S. Federal guidelines in doing so. It is important that the consumer is not misled and it is your responsibility to accurately represent the product.

The History of Diamonds

The splendor and history of diamonds has been appreciated and treasured for centuries after their discovery 3000 years ago. Over the next thousand years, diamonds continued to make their mark on history. This module provides a timeline on the evolution of diamonds, from formation and global discovery to their modern significance.  


10 minutes

 Let us begin at the start, with the formation of diamonds between 1 and 3 billion years ago. Research reveals the oldest, as well as the youngest, diamonds in the world can be found in Canada.

Formation of Natural Diamonds

10 minutes

The formation of a natural diamond requires very specific conditions within the Earth.

Human Discovery

10 minutes

Upon their first discovery, diamonds were highly valued because of their unparalleled strength, brilliance, and ability to refract light, conduct heat, and engrave metal. Such properties had never been seen.

History of Diamond Symbolism

10 minutes

In the Middle Ages (between the 5th and 15th century), diamonds were thought to have exceptional healing abilities and considered to be a “miracle stone”. They were believed to have the ability to cure stomachaches, memory loss, depression, fatigue, infections, mental illnesses, nightmares, skin diseases and other head and heart ailments.

Diamonds As a Symbol of Love & Lasting Union

10 minutes

In the past, wedding rings signified a promise or contract between a couple and their two families. They were also tokens or even security deposits that showed a man’s promise was “good as gold”.

Diamonds in Modern Times

10 minutes

The story of the modern diamond really begins in about 300 BCE when they first appeared in Europe.

Debunking Diamond Myths with Facts

Over the past few decades, modern diamond recovery has undergone a significant, positive transformation. In fact, the modern diamond industry is one of the most regulated in the world. However, many outdated narratives and misconceptions of the industry still exist. This module delivers the facts and realities backed by research and reliable sources.

Are Natural and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Different?

10 minutes
Yes! Natural and laboratory-grown diamonds are different. Natural diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds differ in their formation, rarity and price, and symbolism. Natural diamonds are ancient creations of the Earth, while laboratory-grown diamonds are modern innovations crafted by humans..

Can Natural and Laboratory-Grown Diamonds be Detected?

10 minutes
Yes! Laboratory-grown diamonds and natural diamonds can be detected using diamond verification instruments. Laboratory-grown diamonds are not i​​dentical to natural ​​diamonds. If they were identical, we would not be able to tell them apart.

Are Natural Diamonds Really Rare?

10 minutes
Yes! Natural diamonds are really rare. Just like original art, no two natural diamonds are alike. They are billion-years-old miracles of Mother Nature that hold unique characteristics and inclusions, making them intimately personal items and the oldest things you will ever touch.

Price Trends for Laboratory-Grown and Natural Diamonds?

10 minutes
When laboratory-grown diamonds began appearing in commercial quantities in the jewelry market in 2016, prices were slightly less than natural diamonds. Today the prices for laboratory-grown diamonds have fallen by over 80% for 1.5ct, and more for other sizes.

Are Natural Diamonds Traceable and Conflict-Free?

10 minutes
Yes! Natural diamonds are traceable and conflict-free. The diamond industry is highly regulated. Under the Kimberley Process mandated by the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, all rough diamond trade is strictly regulated to ensure it is conflict-free.

Are All Laboratory-Grown Diamonds Eco-Friendly?

10 minutes
No! All laboratory-grown diamonds are not eco-friendly. Laboratory-grown diamonds may not always be as sustainable as some claim.

How is the Natural Diamond Industry Reducing Carbon Footprint?

10 minutes
The natural diamond industry has set out on its journey to decarbonize in line with global climate targets.

Do Natural Diamonds Benefit their Source Countries?

10 minutes
Yes! Natural diamonds benefit the countries where they come from. The diamond industry supports more than 10 million people around the world and has transformed many countries and communities. The contributions the diamond industry makes are vast.

What are the Working Conditions Like in the Diamond Industry?

10 minutes
Diamond recovery is mostly carried out by large-scale companies using modern equipment and mining practices.

Is the Diamond Industry Stockpiling Diamonds to Increase Prices?

10 minutes
No! The diamond industry is not stockpiling to raise prices. Inventories of natural diamond producers fluctuate across periods of time, especially when they are broken down by size or quality of stones. This is because, unlike other industries, natural diamond producers cannot operate a just-in-time production model to match supply with demand. Inventories are also impacted by seasonal demand patterns and by external events such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

What Happens to Diamond Mines No Longer in Use?

10 minutes
Before a single diamond is recovered, environmental permissions must be granted by governments with a legal obligation for mining companies to have ongoing monitoring, reporting and closure plans.